Do insects contain gluten ?

Gluten … the strange word that pops up more and more. What is gluten? What is it doing? And can I eat insects if I am gluten intolerant? We will try to answer these questions for you in the text below! Gluten is a mixture of proteins that occurs in… Read More

What is an Ento-Vegetarian ?

In the blog, we discussed the question of whether edible insects are superfoods, we used the term ‘ento-vegetarian’. We got surprisingly many questions about what exactly this means. Here follows the explanation, taken over with permission from the author on Ensie. An ento-vegetarian is someone who eats vegetarian and eats… Read More

Recipe : Edible insects and red fruits crumble

Edible insects can be cooked and prepared in a lot of different ways! That’s why at JIMINI’S we love to create a lot of different recipes with insects from starter to dessert. For today, we prepared a crumble with red fruits and mealworms. The slight sourness of red fruits will… Read More


Entomofagie. Wat een goed galgjewoord. Maar wat betekent het precies? Entomofagie is “de praktijk van het eten van insecten door mensen”. Meer dan 2 miljard mensen over de hele wereld beoefenen deze praktijk. Wij vertellen jullie daarom graag alles wat je moet weten over het eten van insecten. Laten we… Read More

Cooking insects : A new version of our ORIGIN range

Our ORIGIN range has been created 3 years ago to help you embark on an exciting journey: Give you the opportunity to let you create recipes and cook edible insects. With the time passing by and listening to your feedbacks, we decided to renew it. Be ready to cook insects… Read More

Edible insect recipe for Halloween: Grave’s verrines

You started your halloween event with an insect recipe as a starter, you’ll finish it with a dessert containing insects! To finish your Halloween event by pleasing your sweet vampire’s tooth, discover our recipe made out of edible insects! It will please all the skeletons attending your… Read More

Edible ants : A crispy story from Brazil !

Did you know that? In Brazil, we love soccer, Caipis, but we also love… edible ants!   Edible ants in Brazill! Just as in Mexico where people love eating edible grasshoppers called Chapulines in Oaxaca, Brazilian also eat insects. You can enjoy edible insects in many… Read More

Insects recipe for Halloween: Mummified grasshoppers

For beginning your Halloween event, begin with an insect recipe as a starter: Some mummified grasshoppers. We got this recipe in mind for a long time and we thought that it was the perfect moment! Who said that we need to make things complicated for tasty recipes? For these mummified… Read More

JIMINI’S at Science fair to make you eat insects!

This year the national science fair is lasting more than a week in Paris. From the 8th to the 16th October, biology, chemistry, physics, nutrition and ecology are highlighted. By offering edible insects, we fall into many of these categories. Insects’ biology and behaviours make them highly nutritious and sustainable… Read More